Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Ram Milayi Jodi 3rd October 2011 Written Update

ANUKALP gets dadaji home,amabji,sweety,mona and vimmy welcomes him,he ask about kalyani devi,mona tells him that she got punished,daddji is happy.dadaji ask about karan to vimmy,she says he will be back soon cause he loves him a lot.
scene 2:gandhi house:
beejal husband tells beejal to explain hetal to go back home,but beejal supports hetal and tells she can saty how much longer she wants here,ambaji hears all this,she goes in hetals room and call her out,and tell her tht she should go back home as bedis really love them etc etc,hetal says no they dont,when kaarn was leaving the house only she was the one who was shouiting like mad,and nobody else did it.amabji tries to explainn her,but hetal says she knows why is she doing this cause mona might must ahve told her,she lost her moyther cause of mona,if it would be ehr moyther she wld happily tell her and karan to go to chandigarh amabji is only now become mona saas not her mother,she futher request her not to tak about this her with her again,and leaves(amabji crying,eevn hetal is crying)
sceen 3:gandhi terrace
karan is looking at bedis house from the terrace,when hetal comes in,he teel her to go to bedi house to meet dadaji.she says she wqont go without him cause if dey dont respect the son of the house why will they respect the daughter in law of the house,karan says he feels he is doing wrong leaving his house fro work,hetal says that if he wants to go abck to bedi house he still ahve to apologise to parmeet,she wont like it.kaaran tells her he never did anything for her,hetal says she is very happy with him,and loves her a lot and they wil go back when he will become successful.she tells him to come down for breakfast,he says no he will come later

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